Understanding the needs and requirements Of customer
Filling of Demand Assessment Sheet (DAS)
Forwarding the DAS to Planning Team
Survery of Planning Team to Customer Premises for connection charges.
Planning team confirms the connection charges
Forwarding the connection Charges to Customer
Forwarding the connection Charges to Customer
Sending the Draft Copy of GSA to customer
Solving/Answering the Query of cutomer regarding the GSA Clauses
Printing Of GSA for signing with customer
GSA Signing
Collecting 30% of connection charges from customer
Confirming of agreement with customer to planning for ordering MRS
Collecting 40% of connection charges from customer at the time of pipeline laying
MRS receiving at customer premises
Completion of upstream work upto customer premises (Meter location)
Completion of downstream work from customer side (from meter to burning point)
Collecting required documents from customer towards downstream work
Internal Piping Test Certificates
Test Certificates of all fittings (valves/ pressure gauges/ regulators etc.)
3rd Party Pressure Testing Certificate for internal piping work
Internal Piping Layout Diagram (showing all fittings up to final user point) inside the customer’s premise
A copy of the letter informing health & safety directorate with piping layout diagram inside the premise
A letter by customer indemnifying MNGL against any kind of loss in case of leakage in internal piping
Receiving the 30% balance connection charges from customer before charging.
We have 19 years of experience in providing you excellent services.